Story Summary

The story of Peter the Rock unfolds within the grim confines of a Roman prison. After dedicating over 30 years of his life to preaching the message of Jesus to Jews and Gentiles alike, Peter finds himself fatigued and disheartened by the countless prisons he has endured. His musings are interrupted when he realizes he is not alone. Contrary to the usual isolation imposed by the guards—meant to prevent him from converting his other prisoners—Peter now finds himself sharing his cell with Marcus.

Peter introduces himself to his new cellmate, and Marcus, with a note of curiosity, inquiries about the reason for Peter's imprisonment. Upon learning that Peter is a follower of Jesus, Marcus expresses his dislike for Christians. Undeterred, Peter manages to persuade Marcus to listen to his story about his time with Jesus.

Peter begins his narrative with how he first met Jesus, and how he decides to follow him. He shares the significance of his new name, "Peter," bestowed upon him by Jesus, and the good-natured teasing it provoked among the other disciples, and even from Jesus Himself.

As the story progresses, Peter recounts several transformative miracles he witnessed. He describes Jesus healing the unclean woman, the compassionate treatment of the woman accused of adultery, and the extraordinary moment when himself walked on water. These miracles reinforced his faith and solidified his commitment to Jesus, despite his humble origins and feelings of inadequacy. Peter ponders why Jesus chose him as an apostle, given his status as an ordinary and seemingly insignificant man.

One of the most poignant moments of Peter's story is when he relives the painful memory of his denial of Jesus. He speaks candidly about the deep sense of guilt and sorrow he felt for betraying his beloved teacher. Yet, he also shares the profound forgiveness that Jesus extended to him. Peter offers the audience a glimpse into his humanity, showcasing his fears, his failures, and ultimately, his redemption. Despite his imperfections, Peter continued to serve Jesus with unwavering devotion, embodying the true spirit of faith, love, and perseverance.

Overall, the play Peter the Rock illuminates the extraordinary journey of an ordinary man transformed by his encounter with Jesus. It is a story of faith, redemption, and the enduring power of forgiveness that resonates deeply with all who hear it.





If you are interested in booking Peter The Rock at your venue please contact me to set up a show time.
James Walker | 708.446.8680

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